Sunday, May 27, 2012

That's when it happened. I. Lost. It.

Okay okay...
I know I haven't posted in a while, but it's been with good reason. Well, with two good reasons actually.

The first?

Well, I was sleepy. In case you didn't know, harvesters don't sleep much. Aaand by much I mean not neeeeeaaaarlyyyy enough. The reason being kind of like cookies.
You spend a lot of minutes mixing the wet ingredients, then mixing in the dry, then an eternity balling up almost one million stupid balls thinking to yourself with every single one, "I HATE making cookies..sigh.", then you put them in the oven and wait. Time ticks by so stinking slowly for the first 6 minutes, but the seventh...well I don't know where the seventh goes but if it's just 10 seconds too late you've got, not one, but 12 burnt cookies.

Now, if you haven't already forgotten where this was going...wheat is like cookies because farmers started this whole ordeal months and months ago. They plowed. They planted. They fertilized and sprayed for weeds. Then they waited for the six long minutes (relatively speaking, of course) and now it's time for the seventh minute. Which in real time is more like one to two weeks. So, all the farmers are in a big hurry to get their wheat cut and get the big payday for all of their months of hard labor. We have to do our best to get as much done as possible and we literally stay up and cut as long as the wheat will let us, take showers, and nap through the night just to wake up with the sun and do it all over again the next day. Because farmers don't want to "burn their cookies."

So, on a side note, I like sleep. And, if you are curious, I'm very good at it. I can sleep any where, any time, any condition. One of my very best friends, Lindsay, once told me, "Allyson, if you were a superhero, your super power would be sleeping." I mean...I can go without it...sort of. It happens in phases..I'm good. I'm sleepy. Second wind. So sleepy I could die. Thennn the worst: emotional sleepy. This means that something really, really insignificant sets me off and well...I cry. And cry. And cry. It tends to level off with eating and sleeping, but I can usually make due with one..if I have to.

Okay...back to the story. I had had my first week and a half of real harvest. Completely intact with lack of sleep and iced with one night of sleeping in the truck, we were on our last trip to Texas and back before we needed to start harvest at home.

Needless to say, I was on edge. And a number of things hadn't exactly gone my I ended up having to go sit in the truck for a little while to compose myself. I even called my mom.

When it was time to go, Lance hopped into his truck and could tell something was wrong. When he asked, I told him that it was really nothing and I just needed some lunch. So, he takes me to the Braum's drive through and I order my regular: a number 10. The important part here is that a number 10 comes with fries. And Braum's fries NEEEED ketchup. So, to avoid any problems, I asked for ketchup when I ordered. And again when I arrived at the window. And AGAIN when they asked me if I wanted any sauces.

So I get the bag. We drive off. Aaaaand... THERE IS NO STINKING KETCHUP.

That's when it happened. I. Lost. It.

I throw the sack of food in the floor of the truck and cry. I cry big shoulder shaking sobs. Uncontrollably. I keep saying, "I. Just. Wanted. Some. Ketchup." between my body-controlling crying. Lance held my hand and offered to go inside and get me some, but it was too late. So after sucking it up and eating my little-too-dry burger and not even touching my fries (I miiiight be a little stubborn...) I take a short nap in the truck and the world was a little better again.

Later, Lance lovingly told me that that was absolutely the most ridiculous thing he had ever seen. I told him thank you for being so supportive. And I decided that maybe for a few days I should skip the blog in favor of napping.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Allyson Walton!! And this story made me miss you tons!
