Monday, May 28, 2012

The deal?

Soo.... Yesterday in my groveling for not blogging in so many days I mentioned that there was not one, but TWO good reasons for why I didn't blog. Then, I only gave you one. Whether you noticed or not, I planned it because today I have reason number two.

Her name is Ashlyn. You could call her my best friend if you wanted. I do. :)
We met years ago and after being trained for years of my life to never, ever like anyone from Alva (I still have to say it like I have a bad taste in my mouth) I met her on a two day bus trip that was the start of a two week long visit to Washington DC with our one thing in common...FFA. She knew who I was...not by anything great I'd done, or any great accomplishment I'd had, or any name I'd made for myself through that wonderful organization that we both love. She new me because...well, I sort of, maybe, on accident, happened to have stolen a boy from her. She hated me a little. Now, years have gone by and that boy doesn't matter anymore, for one main reason: SHE GOT HITCHED!

The wonderful friendship that grew out of a little high school hatred led me to be her Maid of Honor at her wedding this weekend. It. Was. Beautiful. (You can friend Micah Emily Photography on Facebook if you want to get a glimpse of it!)

So, between matching outfits, making new friends, hours in a salon, and all the other busy things that come with weddings I didn't have much spare time that I didn't end up sleeping. (PLEASE read the last post if you don't fully understand my NEED for sleep)

But, since I'm in the wedding mood, I guess, I thought I'd tell you a little story about Lance and I.

My first post was about how we got started "in glorious detail" but I may have saved a couple of things. I'll let you in on one if them now.

You see, I'm sort of a lot to handle. I'm a little stubborn, I may or may not be a bit of a perfectionist, a tad spiteful, and a touch of ridiculous. I've been worried for a looong time (as has my family) that I would never be able to find a man to tolerate me long enough to marry me. So, I had a back up plan: Lance.

I mean, I was always really fond of him, but I never thought he would want to tolerate me by choice. I just did his homework and cooked for him and yelled at him a lot. But somehow I suckered him into a deal. (I guess he thought the same thing about marriage that I did...and he might have been a little fond of me too.)

The deal?

We were going to get married when we were 35 if neither of us was married yet. I couldn't stand the thought of not being married eventually and well...I think he would have enjoyed a life of solitude, but he needed someone to inherit his life of work. So it was set.

For years now, we've jokingly planned our "wedding" from the big things like the location right down to the little things like the song of the first dance. We continued on to plan our life together from where he will build my Bed and Breakfast that I've always wanted to how many of the ten kids I want that I actually get to have. Shoot! We even talked about rings! So when we finally started dating, it felt a little backwards.

Now that we have successfully taken a few steps backwards I guess we'll just have to see if we actually make it to our "backup plan."

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