Thursday, June 14, 2012

Since it was my day "off"....

I think by the time I was nine I knew how to jump start a vehicle. Although I had never actually done it myself, I think that I could have jumped a car with my eyes closed if someone told me which cable was red and which one was black.

You see, it was a once-a-week occurrence almost for my mom to flip her lights on and let her car battery die.

If she was in a hurry...or if I was bad that day (which happened WAYYY too often because I was a devil child... Really.) ..or if she had a lot on her mind.... Some. How. Between getting in the vehicle and driving one mile to school and getting out to go to work for the day she would reach for her lights, flip them on, then completely forget about it.

After my maiden journey with my dad to go "jump" my mom's car (where I got in the passenger side, buckled up, grabbed the door handle with my right hand and the center console with my left, cursed myself for forgetting my bicycle helmet, prepared myself for a ride, and eagerly asked how high it was going to "jump")...I switched from novice to expert pretty quick.

I have inherited many, many lovely things from that woman I call mom, but I don't think I've ever flipped my lights on and killed my battery. This is probably because I'm a little younger aaaaand now there is automatic lights. Thank the Lord. So, instead...I lock my keys in my car. I'm sure I'm the world's worst about it.

This time? It was a rain day so all the men that keep me in business were busy working on things, greasing machines, changing know, stuff that you only have time to do around here on rain days. Since they were all working on their tasks for the day in different places, I didn't have to make lunch. So I seized this opportunity to go grocery shopping, at a Walmart! (Which never happens because it's almost an hour away from my small town.) So I made my list and checked it twice, making sure I had enough meal-groceries to make meals two times a day for seven men for about three and a half weeks.

So, I drove to Walmart, spent the designated "too much time" there and headed back for home with right around $300 worth of groceries. ($150 of it being frozen or refrigerated meat.) Buuuuut, since it was my day "off" I decided to stop for a tiny little minute at my sisters house to see her and say hi to my ridiculously cute six month old nephew.

I pull up in her driveway. Get out. (Leaving my keys in there, of course, because when I park at Lance's and do not leave my keys in my car I get in case someone needs to move it for some reason or another.) and as I'm walking away I hear my Delayed Locking click.


Because delayed locking is great if you are in a hurry to get to class and you want to get out and hit the lock button and then grab your backpack from the back seat and shut the door and the walk away as your car locks without having to get back into the driver's door to lock your car.
...But not so great if you get in a habit of leaving your keys in your car and still haven't got out of the habit of flicking the lock button on your way out of your car like you were on a college campus and not in the middle of the Valley.

Then...I decide to not tell Lance. I was going to handle it myself. I was just going to get my spare key from.... Uhhh. Well. It WAS at Lance's house. But... I'll just think about it and I'm just sure it will come to me...

***my ringtone for Lance***


Hiiiii :)
What's wrong?
Nothing..... :)
Oh. Okay? Well then can you come and pick up...?
Ummm nooooo.
I. Umm... Well.. Ilockedmykeysinmycaragain. *nervous breath*

Then Lance came to pick me up from my sister's house. We drove to his house. Searched for my key and couldn't find it. So, we had two options: 1. Have a new key made. Or 2. Drive to Weatherford and get my other, other spare key.

He didn't want to drive to Weatherford, so we called the car dealer here and they didn't have my key. So, they asked a dealership east of us and luckily they had one of my keys! So we drove an hour picked up my freshly cut key and headed back to my sister's house. We pulled up, tried the key.

It. Didn't. Work.

Soooooo off to Weatherford we drove. Picked up my key and drove back to my sisters.

Ten. Hours. Later. I finally got all the groceries into a fridge.

The casualties? Only two cans of wampum cinnamon rolls...but don't worry, we had them for dessert. :)

Did I learn my lesson? Are my keys and my spare keys still in my car in Lance's driveway? The answer is not the same to both questions. You decide.