Friday, May 18, 2012

We are ALL too stubborn...

So today we have a conundrum. The problem? We have nearly, yes nearly, been blessed with more work than we can handle. It's a good problem. It means we are doing things right and people like us because we are reminding people every minute of the reason that they wanted us in the first place: we are the first ones up in the morning and the last ones to bed at night and we work every single second in between.

Right now, it's just taking all of our sleepy minds all the thought we've got to figure out the right solution to how we are going to get everything done in the next week. I think we've all been praying nearly continuously for the last few days for a fool proof method on getting everything done in the very best way....the only problem is: we are ALL too stubborn to listen after we ask for help.

So we pray. We think. We admit that we are stubborn. And most importantly we keep faith in the fact that God has a plan and (hopefully sooner rather than later) He will let us in on it.

1 comment:

  1. Wanton. I am enjoying following your blog. Keep it coming as you find time.
    And tell D-Fast and Travis hi for me! Wishing all of you the best.
