Wednesday, May 16, 2012

So, here's my list.

A few days ago we had a bad day in a harvester's world. 

Here's how it goes. 

The big green thing in the picture is called a combine. The long bar-ish thing that goes out in front of it is called a header. What the header does is spin really fast and these things on it spin and literally comb the wheat into a chainsaw-esque blade. The blade cuts the wheat and then moving belts push it into the mouth of the combine, actually called a feeder house, and the combine eats it up and pushes the waste out out the back. Got it?

You see what happened was that since the wheat is so thick and so full and so beautiful this year...  you can't really see much of what's in front of you other than wheat.

Long, sad story later...our header was broken. 

Following this there was a little gloom hanging around and no one really had good words to say and then I remembered this:

A looooong time ago (okayy..maybe just a few months) one of my very good friends said that one of her very good friends made a list of 100 things that made her happy. It sounds simple, but the whole point of it is to realize that even when you have big, big things go wrong you still have many, many little things that still make your cup of live overflow with happiness.

So, here is my list.

 1. When I find the PERFECT song on the radio that matches my mood
 2. The best friend moment when no words are spoken, because none have to be
 3. Learning something new and after tedious practice realizing you aren't that bad at it
 4. Dancing.
 5. Trusting God and letting go. Then waiting to see that everything turned out WAY better than expected.
 6. Thinking about my sister trying to use a turkey call mouthpiece without throwing up
 7. The smell of clean laundry
 8. The "my life is so put together" feeling I get after flossing before bed
 9. Matching. Oh, I love it when things match. 
10. Songs that will ALWAYS remind me of a person, story, or time of my life
11. Fonts that the exactly match the tone of voice that you want to talk in
12. The first night in freshly made bed
13. Slumber parties. Call it crashing at a friend's place, or visiting a friend, or couch surfing...whatever you's a slumber party. 
14. Walking out of a cold building to get roasted by the welcoming summer sun
15. State fair corndogs. Aaaand funnel cakes.
16. The sound of my teeny, tiny 26 pound cousin STOMPING through the house on her teeny, tiny feet
17. Long drives late at night that seem to relieve all the stress in my life
19. Any time that my very best friends are together, including the BQ.
20. Happy hour sodas.
21. Finding for someone
22. Running with Erin
23. Inside jokes that are old enough to have lost their original meaning, but still make you laugh
24. Getting a pedicure
25. Waking up and realizing you had the most ridiculous dream and telling someone about it before forgetting it completely 
26. Flowers.... even if they are from a cattle pasture and are placed in a "Big Gulp" cup for a vase
27. Seeing a picture of two people so in love that is just oozing from the photo
28. Alliteration. Hence: Happiness with a Harvester
30. Finding the perfect scripture to give your soul peace when you need it
31. Loooong, silly, pointless voicemails
32. Going to bed and not having to set an alarm
33. Baby/Mini sized anything
34. The whisper that wheat makes when it's ready to harvest
35. Baking
36. Seeing trees start to bud after the cold winter months
36. Hearing my silly farm boy call me Darlin'
37. The smell of new schools supplies...shoot the whole school supplies aisle
38. The silly hugs I give my dad because he's so tall I just have to wrap my arms around his belly
39. Listening to my mom tell stories
40. Having all my laundry clean and folded and put up all at one time
41. Knowing that something I did made someone else smile
42.Christmas lights

43. O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A
44. Before and after pictures
45. Old couples that still hold hands
46. Finishing a good book
47. Starting an even better one
48. When I find out other people besides those in my family play they card game Pitch
49. Sunsets
50. The peace that comes after prayer
51. The janky, old, small town food joints that always have the most grease and the best burgers
52. Finding out that I spelled something right… which doesn’t happen very often
53. Well organized things….shoot, the whole school supplies isle
54. Coffee…. Mmmmm Coffee
55. Ordering…well, anything and when I receive it, it being EXACTLY what I was hoping for
56. This little guy… Creed

57. God’s humor and how he lets me know that he is sovereign: My favorite food is peanut butter and Lance is one of those peanut allergy freaks…good thing he’s not the swell up and die kind!
58. Words of affirmation
59. The overwhelming feeling of accomplishment I get after a long day of work
60. Surprises… as long as I don’t know that they are coming
61. Walking out of a cold building to be roasted by the Oklahoma summer sunshine
62. Hugs
63. Making Lists….. obviously
64. Celebrating like a holiday
65. Roadtrips
66. Large sonic waters with extra extra extra ice
67. In car concerts…. The only place that I can sing well
68. Painting my nails
69. When acquaintances turn into good friends in just one conversation
70. Earning something that I’ve worked for
71. Making captions to pictures
72. Fireplaces
73. Wheat on an apple pie

74. Noooooodles. Yes, noodles at holidays.
75. Coming home to a clean house
76. Getting all “gussied” up
77. Arts and Crafts
78. Antiques
79. Napping on Sunday afternoons
80. Rain
81. Naming things…I just love to name things
82. Opening anything that comes in a box, bag, or envelope
83. Cooking and cleaning for those I love
84. Heels and pearls
85. Family
86. Burned CD’s
87. Spelling things with pretzels

88. Really good pillows
89. My family <3
90. The just brushed clean teeth feeling
91. Traveling… any where, any way
92. Windows down, sunroof open, radio up.
93. Calling people by their first and last names
94. Hashtags
95. Soft, warm, fluffy towels
96. GIANT windmills

97. Palindromes
98. Correct grammar and punctuation
99. Good time spent with God
100. Feeling so blessed because He gave me all of this

What makes you happy?


  1. Allyschon,
    I'm quite impressed by your list.
    A) Because it's awesome.
    B) Because you're awesome.
    And C) Because 90% of those things would be on my list also. Because we're basically the same person.

    And, I thought a lot of comments in my head for individual numbers that I wanted to write here, but then there got to be too many (See item C) so I decided not to. But just know that I had a lot of really good commentary for you.


  2. I love you and your lists, yllA! And when I am feeling down, or overwhelmed like I am now, I will reread your list and smile!

  3. All these things make me smile. Kinda just like you do!
    Also, I'm impressed you came up with 100. Well done ma'am. well done.
