Monday, July 23, 2012

Photo Blog: To give you a little piece of our lives

Harvest is a lot of hard work, dirty hands, stinky feet, and little sleep. But sometimes, between the meals that are hours too late and the days that are way too long we see something beautiful. God reminds us everyday that He is a part of everything we do. So I gathered some of my very favorite pictures from so far in the season to share a little bit of our "everyday" day with you, so you can see some of God's beauty that you might not get inside the four walls of an office. Some are funny, some are pretty, but as a whole I hope that they bring a smile to your face and a greater understanding of our lives out here. 

Most were taken by me, but quite a few were taken by Derrick Fast, one of the guys working with us. 

Part of the Glass Mountains, which we refer to commonly as "The Valley" 

Lance checking wheat moisture in Texas

Making sandwiches To Go in one of the hotels

This is one of the pickups with a header trailer attached to it. The header is on it. From bumper to bumper it is about 5' longer than a semi and it is what I usually drive when we are moving locations. 

This one makes me laugh. These are the REAL gears that are inside a combine. NOT 1st, 2nd, or 3rd gears, but turtle, rabbit, or really fast rabbit. 

This is my puppy, Jagger.

Jagger is fully prepared to be a harvester. He is ready to go at a moments notice. 

Lance hasn't slept in two weeks and I am sweaty, but I had to put this up here because it is, I think, the ONLY picture I have ever been able to bully him into taking with me. 

We were point B (the green one) on the map. All the dots were Colorado fires. Other than one close call we stayed safe. 

4th & 4th. One of the reasons I was ready to leave our last location. 

When we started to move our combines one morning, we woke a raccoon. Apparently, it decided to "rent" our Hotel Header for a good night's sleep. 

How to test wheat in four easy steps, as presented to you by Derrick Fast. 

The "fleet" 

 Just enough spaghetti to feed the crew with NO leftovers. (Oh! and there was green beans and garlic bread to go around.) 

I hope you enjoyed this. I will try to keep collecting pictures so you can get a better glimpse of what we are doing and where we are. For now, South Dakota. 


  1. as always. I enjoyed catching up on your life! Miss you and D-Money.!

  2. A. I love love LOVE that your a farm girl now. It makes my heart happy.
    B. Please come visit me in the "big city" of Tulsa as soon as possible.
    C. I miss you. See Item B and feel emphasis of it even more.
