Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm beggging for your help! Part 1.

There are some things that I have learned and some things that I will never understand.

I learned to pee outside. That was QUITE an experience for me... if you don't know about it yet, you can read alllll about it on the post titled "There are some things that you just need to know..."

While not all the things that I have learned are quite as "entire blog filling information" as how to pee outside, they are still noteworthy. I know I'm only on my third month of this little fiasco, but I've been keeping a list. Yes, I really have. There are somethings that I have learned and others that I will never understand. I hope this list is enlightening. Also, I'm beggging for your help if you have any way to enlighten me on any of the things that I hope to gain insight to....

I'll do my best to write them here as I have learned or been confounded by them through my experience...

The first thing that I learned, always keep a sharpie, pen, and legal notepad handy. You NEVER know when you will need to write down a list of acres on a farmer's fields or you will have to write your own name on something you don't want someone else to get before you get back to it. Like restaurant leftovers.

One of the first things that hinted to me that I am not all knowing, not all solving, and definitely NOT all understanding: HOW DO BOYS MAKE A TOILET SO FILTHY?? I could clean their bathroom and by morning there would be bugs crawling in it, mold growing everywhere, stains from the floor to the ceiling, and stench that reaches 4 feet outside the door. I.DON'T.GET.IT. Will I ever??

When I am not in a hotel, or when I have any type of access to a kitchen (which hasn't been much lately do to my stay in this terrible hotel.. ) I try to make 2 meals a day + for up to 7 men + for as many days as I can while avoiding the grocery store = My new ability to make a really impressive grocery list. Usually with ONE list, I can make it 3 1/2 weeks without a new trip to the store. Aaand since I buy most things off brand, I can do it at, what I think is, a ridiculously reasonable price. Should I write a whole blog post about it and then pin it to my Pinterest? We'll see...

Like I said, staying in this miserable hotel for so long, I have not cooked or had anyone's home cooked food in a while now. Our main source of nutrition? McDonald's. We can order any thing that we want that's off of the Dollar Menu. That means our options are: Drink, McDouble or McChicken, and/or Small Fries. If you are hungry, you can order up to three of the actual sandwiches. Everyone switches up their order from time to time as to not get to bored with their limited choices, and when hard work is done or on special occasions like rain days, Lance takes us somewhere a little nicer. Just for us. Because? LANCE WILL NEVER EVER GET TIRED OF MCDOUBLES AND I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY.  He literally has no preference on bought food. He cares the same about Sonic as he does steak, and the same about McDonald's as he does Olive Garden.... only McDonald's is cheaper. He does say he prefers home cooked meals... but I really think that he doesn't want to hurt my feelings and he doesn't want my brother-in-law to stop feeding him steaks when we come over... I shall never know.

With the boys at the field so much, and me left behind to do summer school, run errands, bill farmers...whatever my task is for the day... I am left alone A. Lot. The only problem with that is... I hate being alone. I used to tolerate it..barely. Then I moved into a building full of 300 other girls and never from that moment on did anything by myself ever again. Now I am terrible at being alone. Here is what I've learned. When by yourself for sometimes 18 hours plus days: Open ALL the windows... if its too hot outside, just open all the curtains, In the rooms with little windows or no windows at all.. turn on the light. Next, never let it be quiet. I really don't like TV very much, but I like the music channels, so I turn them on, and if possible have as many machines around you running: the dish washer, clothes washer, dryer, whatever you have that makes noise. Aaand because I've never lived without a pet, and I am one of those people that, on certain days, is capable of loving my dog more than my own sister...I try to keep my dog with me wherever I go.
*My dog always loves me, never has any conflicting obligations, and will let me talk forever and never once try to interrupt me.

I have also learned.. to never lock your keys in your car.... Who am I kidding? It will happen again. What I really learned.... If you are going to accidentally lock your keys in your car because you just can't stay away from your ridiculously cute nephew, do it on a rain day so you can have time, meaning the next 6 hours and 45 minutes, to round up one of your spare spare-keys.

Now, living in a new world that I knew hardly anything about a couple months ago can be overwhelming. Discouraging even on some days. It is also a big blow to my ego, when I feel quite helpless. (Sometimes we need one more person to drive this semi, or a person to fill in on a combine, or...the list could go on..  Since my job out here is entirely different from all of that, I really know nothing about it and am incapable of helping no matter how much I would like to.) I hate that part. So, instead of focusing on that, I focus on other things. People have always heard a thousand times over that "It's the little things that mean the most..." and while I don't necessarily believe that they mean the most, I do believe that when you focus on the little things that make you happy, they end up being the source of your happiness. Not because they innately create a superfluous amount of joy, but because you have placed your happiness in them and therefore they hold that in an make you feel a little bit better about your life on a day that you drop your toothbrush in the toilet while brushing your teeth and your day just goes downhill from there... The things that make me feel like I have my life together? (Don't.Laugh. I'mnotkiddingaboutthisoneguys) Brushing my teeth & sometimes flossing before I go to bed at night. And cleaning my house, kitchen, hotel room... whatever, before I go to bed giving me the pleasure of waking up to a clean place and a clean start to a new day. (Now does it make a little more sense why I got all "experience the wrath of Ally" on the hotel manager?)

Now this part is bewildering to me. They are at home or they are at a hotel: One use--->Towel is on the ground. Are they so dirty after they are finished showering that the towel is no longer usable? Do they think that the maids or I will run out of things to do if there is an pile of laundry any less than eye-level and so are comforting us with job security? Are they sooooo tirrrred after a long day of work that they don't posses the physical strength to raise their slightly damp towel the height of the towel rack? I'm lost.

Something that I have learned. <3 This is the soul reason that this blog is still called "HappinesswithaHarvester." You are never too busy for a kiss. And by busy, I could mean dirty, stinky, grumpy, tired, OR busy. Whatever the situation, you always have time for kiss. It's one of "those little things" that keep Lance and I going...that keep us tolerating each other... and keep the name of this blog from changing to: hatefulnesswithaharvester, hastinessofaharvester, or holdyournosebecauseoftheharvesters.

Conundrum number...whatever. Why do boys refuse to eat vegetables? Is it because they aren't made by McDonald's.. furthermore because they aren't on the Dollar Menu at McDonald's? Is it because no one actually "likes" vegetables, but girls eat them and pretend to like them so they can keep or attempt to regain a "girlish figure?" Is it because....honestly only rabbits should be eating all that "green stuff?" Is it because they are just superior human beings and they have no need to eat vegetables, they can literally eat a few McDoubles for every meal and still wear a size smaller pants than me? I will never know.

Now because I am tired... I'm done for the night.. but there will be more tomorrow.


  1. Laughed out loud and shared your humor with some others in the room. Miss you!!

  2. HA!! I'm for holdyournosebecauseoftheharvesters! You are hilarious! And those boys are definitely taking advantage of you. They can certainly pick up their own towels. Are you sure you're the same person? I'm surprised you let them get away with that :)
